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Beginning of Qur’an tournaments among Iran’s :
Beginning of Qur’an tournaments among Iran’s Red Crescent relief workers for the first time in Razavi Holy Shrine
The second tournament of Quran as “Relief Heavenly Call” began this morning, attended by 93 rescue and relief workers in the aid sites in Mashhad, Iran.
Publication Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Time ۱۰:۴۰

Aircraft collisions with flight buildings and Red Crescent of Khorasan Razavi Maneuver for relief and rescue operations in Mashhad Hashemi Nejad International Airport
Aircraft collisions with flight buildings and Red Crescent Khorasan Razavi Maneuver for relief and rescue operations in Mashhad Hashemi Nejad International Airport
Publication Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014 Time ۱۳:۴۹

Joint Cultural Committee between Red Crescent Of Khorasan Razavi and Astan Quds Razavi is formed
Joint Cultural Committee between Red Crescent Of Khorasan Razavi and Astan Quds Razavi is formed
Publication Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Time ۱۱:۴۰

The specific recall of more than 200 political fig:
Join over 200 of the most important figures in the political state of Khorasan Red Crescent volunteers
The number of candidates for honorary membership Pyvstnd.ayn Crescent Ahmrastan Khorasan and scientific facilities to increase the capacity of humanitarian activities is voluntary.
Publication Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 Time ۱۲:۲۳

Along with the arrival of the new school year star:
October brings projects in Khorasan Razavi
October brings the active volunteers working in underserved schools was conducted in Khorasan Razavi province. The supporting design package includes bag office stationery were distributed among hundreds of needy students.
Publication Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 Time ۱۲:۱۵

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